iHear - Digital Social Audits

Assessing impact by involving people, verifying facts on the ground and fixing accountability

Social Audits

Social Audits are mainly conducted to assess the impact of Government programmes and policies. Social audits derive their strength from people's active participation facilitated by independent auditors.

Social Audits not only measure reality against records but by ensuring people's participation educates them about their rights and entitlements; gives them a forum to raise their questions and grievances and express their individual and collective needs.

Digital Social Audits

Pre-configured digital templates are available for various Government programmes / schemes. Social auditors use these templates to conduct social audits digitally & quickly

Public Hearing

Geography-wise consolidated social audit findings for conducting the Public Hearing

Recommendation / Grievance resolution

Recommendations / grievances from Public Hearing can be accessed by the Line Departments for taking actions

Feedback loop and closure

Action taken by the Departments / officials are further verified on the ground for proper closure of the feedback loop


Pre-configured templates are available for the following programmes / schemes


Health & Nutrition Programmes

In Social audit of Health programmes, the functioning of various health facilities and the benefits received by the beneficiaries under various NHM (National Health Mission) schemes are covered.

Under the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme) programme, the functioning of the AWCs (Anganwadi Centres), upkeep and routine activities undertaken by the AWCs and the records of the beneficiaries availing the AWC services are audited.


National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)

This is an umbrella scheme for IGNOAPS (Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme), IGNDPS (Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme), IGNWPS (Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme), NFBS (National Food Benefit Scheme)

Under the social audit, pension received, frequency of payment, inclusion or exclusion errors etc. are measured and beneficiary grievances are forwarded to the relevant authorities for necessary actions.


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)

Under this scheme, the beneficiaries are provided a financial assistance of INR 1.2 Lakh and INR 1.32 Lakh for rural and urban areas respectively.

The amount is provided to beneficiaries to build their houses.

The social audit covers the audit of the construction status of the house and material procurements; assesses whether the needs of the beneficiaries are met and records grievances.


National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)

Section 17 of the MGNREGA has mandated Social audit of all Works executed under the MGNREGA.

Two key aspects that are audited are - (a) the concurrent activities being done and (b) the works that were undertaken in the last financial year.

The social audit ascertains the completion of the works (on record vis-a-vis ground) and the payments to the workers alloted for doing those works.


Border Area Development Organization (BADO) Projects

Under this scheme, various development activities such as infrastructure development for Health, Education, Agriculture, Water Resources etc. are undertaken in the border areas.

The developmental projects that have been implemented are audited - usage and importance of the projects; extent to which the needs of people residing in those areas are fulfilled.

The social audit facilitates interaction with the local people and an onground assessment of the status of various projects.


Community Led Landscape Management Project (CLLMP)

Under this project, various Landscape Management activities are carried out by the local communities.

Strengthening Knowledge and capacity of Communities for Natural Resources Management is also done under this project.

Social Audit of this project assesses the functioning of the VNRMCs (Village Natural Resource Management Committees) as well as the implementation of the activities by them.

What we do

We enable Governments and NGOs to carry out the entire gamut of Social Audit related activities in a digital and integrated fashion with complete transparency in the process.

Digital Instruments

We facilitate Social Audits through Digital Questionnaires configured on our App. Social Audit instrument of any programme / scheme can be quickly configured

Factual Records

Departmental / Factual records that are to be audited can be made available to the social auditors on the App itself


We conduct the trainings of all social auditors to enable them to use the App for the various activities


We consolidate the social audit findings into Social Audit impact assessment reports

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Social Audit is the procedure to verify the deliveries/activities undertaken under various schemes by interacting directly with the beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

  • Organizations can follow their own policies and processes for conducting the Social Audit. However, most organizations generally follow the below process

    • It starts with the identification of the program / scheme for which Social Audit is to be conducted
    • The audit instruments (Questionnaires) are designed
    • Independent auditors / NGOs or resource persons are identified
    • Auditors / resource persons are trained on the Audit instruments
    • Departmental / factual data that are to be verified (if available) are shared with the auditors / resource persons
    • Timelines for the audit are drawn up. Awareness campaigns are planned / conducted to ensure maximum participation of people
    • Auditors / resource persons conduct the audit in their allotted area. They ensure people's participation
    • Auditors / resource persons collate the data and present their findings in Public hearings (Gram Sabhas) in the presence of local administrators. People can object if the findings are inaccurate.
    • Local administrators / auditors submit their findings and suggestions to the respective institutions
    • Institutions are required to respond / take action against each finding / suggestion
    • Action taken on the last audit findings may also be presented in the next Audit
  • In majority of the cases, Social Audit is conducted in a paper and pen format i.e.

    • Hard copies of the departmental data and questionnaires are given to the auditors
    • Auditors record their observations, findings, interactions in these hard copies
    • Data from these hard copies is then collated by the Auditors for the Public hearings (Gram Sabhas)
    • Feedback / suggestions / action items from the Public hearings (Gram Sabhas) are collated on paper
    • Paper reports are then sent to the institutions for their necessary actions
  • Gram Sabhas/Public Hearings are conducted at the Gram Panchayat level. The auditors / villagers and local administrators participate in the Public Hearings/Gram Sabhas. Consolidated findings of the Social Audit and people's grievances are presented in the meeting. Gram Sabha is an important forum for villagers / beneficiaries to get their complaints, grievances and issues addressed.

  • Yes. Using our iHear application the entire Social Audit process can be conducted in a digital manner.

    • Social audit instruments (questionnaires) are available as digital forms in the iHear application
    • Auditors are onboarded and given access to their relevant instrument(s) (questionnaire) and the area in which they are supposed to conduct the Social Audit
    • Auditors can record their response directly on the App
    • Once the Audit is completed, Auditors can download the consolidated analysis of the audit for presenting it in the Public Hearings
    • Grievances / suggestions / action items of the Public Hearing can be recorded on the APP
    • Line Departments / resolving institutions can view their list of grievances / suggestions / action items received area-wise. Action taken can be updated
    • Auditors can verify the action taken on the ground and close the feedback cycle
  • Yes. The App can be used for any scheme / programme. Organizations can provide their instruments (questionnaires) and it can be configured in the App

  • Yes. The pre-existing templates (questionnaires) and dashboard which are available can be customized.

  • The App works completely offline and therefore can be used in all locations

  • The App is available on the cloud. You can subscribe to our cloud based model in which case no separate infrastructure is required at your end

  • Conducting Social Audits digitally gives a range of advantages. Key ones are listed below

    • All records are available digitally and can be referred to at any point
    • Reduces errors
    • Makes it easier and quicker to analyse and publish the social audit findings
    • Social audit records across time periods can be compared

Request a Demo

We would be happy to learn about your interest in Social Audit. Feel free to send us an email

Our Address : Chennai

Door No 21 E (Old No. 14),
A.R.K. Colony, Eldams Road, Teynampet - 600018

Our Address : Bengaluru

St Johns Health Innovation Foundation (SJHIF)
141/2, 100 Ft Road, Koramangala - 500034

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